Christmas Crack 2022

The annual Crack be be held on Saturday, 10th December 2022,  at 1300,  at Belfry Hall, 52a Stonegate, York  (Belfry Hall is situated towards the Minister end of Stonegate, at No. 52a between the two jewellers Inglis & Son and Avalar, and opposite Jigsaw).

Entrance £3, to include mince pie, tea, coffee etc.

The Christmas Crack will be hosted this year by YDS’s very own Eric Scaife  –  come and join us in atmospheric Christmas York (you could even do some Christmas shopping before or after the meeting) for an entertaining couple of hours. Bring your party pieces or just enjoy those of others!



YDS Publication – Bilberry Pie

Do you fancy a Bilberry Pie?  It’s the latest publication from the ... Read more

Paying for membership online

Attention all members who pay their annual subscription by bank transf... Read more

Paying for publications online

The Paypal facility has now been removed and those wishing to purchase... Read more

YDS Summer Bulletin Database

  If you are looking for a particular article from any of the Sum... Read more

Council Vacancies

If any members would like a more active role in the running and shapin... Read more

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